
Stacy Hewitt AcupuncturistStacy Hewitt's model in medicine is: Mind, Body and Spirit. He strongly believes that the balance of these three elements is key to a person's overall well-being. Being both a licensed acupuncturist and a licensed massage therapist, Stacy blends the practice of Classical and Japanese acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, nutrition and bodywork into his daily practice. This combination has proven to be an effective approach to healing.

Stacy's journey to become an alternative healthcare provider started in 1997 when he graduated from The Carolina School of Massage Therapy and furthered his post-graduate education with advanced certifications in geriatric, orthopedic and Structural bodywork. He also pursued training in Jin Shin Do acupressure and Reiki. With his training as a massage therapist, Stacy volunteered at a Community Holistic HIV clinic. While volunteering, Stacy witnessed the healing power of Chinese medicine through the use of acupressure alone, and that sparked his interest to pursue advanced studies in Chinese medicine.

Stacy received his 4 year graduate degree in acupuncture at the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine in Sugar Grove, North Carolina. While at Jung Tao he studied in the lineage of one of the world's great masters of Classical Chinese acupuncture, Nguyen Van Nghi. Taking the best from both Eastern and Western medicine, Stacy has post graduate acupuncture studies in both Orthopedic and Sports Medicine for pain and blends this with his Eastern training in both Dr. Tan and Master Tung's style acupuncture. He also completed advanced training in fertility, women's health and pediatric care with leaders in his field such as Jonathan Law; Pediatric Chinese Medicine with Jake Fratkin, Internal Medicine with Miki Shima and Bob Flaws; and Japanese style acupuncture with David Euler.

Stacy's vision is to create a family friendly clinic that provides quality complementary health care to a versatile age group. Stacy sees Chinese medicine as an important part of everyone's health as they journey through life from their first week after birth to their golden years. Stacy looks forward to forming a partnership with you to help bring greater vitality to your body and to help you usher in the positive changes you want to make in your life.

Stacy teaches clinical skills at the Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine as well as teaches acupressure at Carolina Massage Institute.When not studying Chinese medicine or teaching, Stacy enjoys chasing his young son around the house and watching him grow.

Stacy Hewitt is both a Licensed Acupuncturist (Lic #688) and a Licensed Massage Therapist (Lic #1607) in North Carolina. He is also a Reiki Master, a Certified Qi Gong Instructor and a graduate of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.






In order for your acupuncture session to be safe and your treatments to be successful, insure your acupuncturist is licensed and properly trained before receiving an acupuncture treatment. A fully licensed acupuncturist has graduated from a four year acupuncture school; is board certified; and has adequate post graduate training.


Below is my Curriculum Vitae. This information allows you to see where my specialties lie and confirm my training matches your individual health needs.



Bachelor of Arts Degree – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Certificate of Graduation – Carolina School of Massage Therapy, Carrboro, North Carolina

Diploma of Acupuncture – Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine, Sugar Grove, North Carolina




License to Practice Acupuncture #688

State of North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board, North Carolina


License to Practice Massage # 1607

North Carolina Board of Massage & Bodywork, North Carolina


Diplomat of Acupuncture

National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Virginia


Clean Needle Technique Certification

Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Maryland






Women’s Health and Fertility

Achieving 90% Fertility Success Rate with Acupuncture and Herb Protocols

The "Law" of Gynecology: Menstrual Disorders and Infertility

Treatment of Infertility with Oriental Medicine

Kiiko Style Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility

Kiiko Matsumoto Constitutional Treatments and Gynecology

Treating Infertility with the Eight Extraordinary Vessels

Eight Extras and the Childbearing Cycle: Treatment for conception; first second and third trimesters; labor and post-partum care.



General Acupuncture

Introduction to Kiiko Style Acupuncture

Kiiko Matsumoto Treatment Protocols

Fukushin - Japanese Abdominal Diagnosis for Acupuncture

Japanese palpation acupuncture I

Japanese palpation acupuncture II

Identifying and Treating The Root Meridians

Scalp & Facial Needling and Supporting Root Meridian Imbalances

Discovering the Healing Powers of Vietnamese Acupuncture



Internal Medicine

Treating Crohns Disease with Western and Oriental Medicine

Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Mystery Syndromes: Explaining and Treating Autoimmune Disorders with Chinese Medicine

Deeper Pathways of the Web: Muscle Meridians, Divergent channels and 8 Extra Channels

Treating Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases with Chinese Medicine

Allergies, IBS, and Chronic Infection: Acupuncture, Hara, and Herbs

Healing the Gut: TCM Gastroenterology

Supporting Oncology Symptoms with TCM

BodyMapping Acupuncture and Herbs for Emotional, Neurological, and Rheumatic Disorders


External Medicine

Successful Treatment of Eczema

Secret of Success in Dermatology and Traumatology


Orthopedic and Pain Management

Clinical Orthopedic Strategies: Whiplash

Clinical Orthopedic Strategies: Back Pain

Orthopedic Testing & Acupuncture Strategies: Elbow & Knee Pain

Orthopedic Testing & Acupuncture Strategies: Hips & Shoulder Pain

Sports Medicine Series: Acupuncture Treatment of Pain

Essential Tung's Acupuncture: Clinical Strategies for Treating Pain

Essential Tung's Acupuncture: Real World Applications

Master Tung’s Essential Acupuncture

Dr. Tan’s Balance Method

Four constitutional Acupuncture for Acute and Chronic pain

7 Golden Rules of Orthopedic Electro-acupuncture

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine Foundations

Neuropuncture Foundations


Mental Health

Treating Depression with Chinese Medicine

Treating Anxiety and Stress with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Psycho-emotional Disorders and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels

Treating Insomnia with Chinese Medicine


Herbal Medicine

Top 50 Drugs and Their Herbal Alternatives

Streamlined Herbal Prescriptions

Fukushin - Japanese Abdominal Diagnosis for Herbal formulas

Most Important Herbal Formulas



Pediatrics: Treating the Most Common Respiratory and Digestive Disorders

Pediatrics and TCM




  • "I've had IBS my entire life. ... I didn't really have much faith that he could help, because I had seen acupuncturist for IBS in the past (both local and out of state) and had no real luck. Wow was I wrong! After 4 acupuncture treatments my symptoms are gone!"
    --Tina F.
  • "I was experiencing low back and hip pain. ... I really didn't want to start down the path to surgery. I decided to try acupuncture. Stacy is awesome! I went to see him once. Both my pain and my limp went away after my first session. I've been pain free ever since."
    --Sally M.
  • "After two acupuncture treatments with Stacy, I no longer wake up at night and feel like someone has sprayed me down with a water hose. Also all the problems I had with hot flashes during the day causing me to be embarrassed because I would start randomly sweating for no reason. Gone!"
  • "After the birth of my first child, I could never shake feeling really fatigued. ... I really started to struggle to find joy in my life. It just seemed that my fatigue and mood kept getting worse. A friend recommended Stacy to me. After several treatments I'm starting to feel like my old self. I have so much more energy and my mood has improved exponentially! It's so amazing to feel the zest of life again!" --LK
  • "Over the past year a combination of work stress and family tragedy has left me finding myself to be really anxious and to constantly worry. I... Stacy has a really great way of listening and is a very compassionate person. ... After a few treatments and an herbal formula, my mind seems more calm, I don't seem to worry as much, and my job stress doesn't bother me as much. I feel more at peace." --TY
  • "I started receiving Acupuncture from Stacy Hewitt at Acupuncture Health Company in January after having had the flu. My IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) was really giving me a hard time, probably due to the antibiotics I had to take, and my general state of health. Stacy gave me several treatments. After the first one I had relief and even more with each consecutive treatment." --Sharon
  • "I’m a bargain shopper at heart. When I was diagnosed with IBS, I called around trying to find the best deal on acupuncture. ..Stacy was very knowledgeable, but I went with another acupuncturist because they were cheaper…. That was a mistake…. After 8 sessions with the cheaper acupuncturist I had no relief…. Because Stacy was so highly recommend and my stomach was so painful, I went back to Stacy to give acupuncture one last try. 4 sessions later I felt great…… I learned Value really is getting quality health care, not the cheapest price " --F.S.
  • "Our 7 year old son was diagnoses with c-dif. He was experiencing constant diarrhea, extreme bloating and abdominal pain… After three additional rounds of antibiotics and that doctor wanting to do a fourth, we said enough. We had heard Stacy specialized in digestive issues and also worked in pediatrics… On the first visit Stacy gave us an herbal formula to give to our son…A week later our sons stool sample came back pathogen free…. Just simply amazing!" --Marry H
  • "I suffered from hip bursitis for over a year and, despite p.t. and prescribed exercises, the bursitis continued to interfere with my life. Four acupuncture treatments with Stacy has me back on track and out of pain!"
    --Belinda L.
  • "Sleep. Life is miserable without sleep. .... Over the past few years my job has become very stressful. I started having problems sleeping. I tried everything. Chiropractic, massage, western medicine, pills. ... [Stacy] was very informative and professional. ... It took a few treatments, but they were worth every penny. Now I sleep like a baby in a crib. Currently, I like to see him once a month to help with my job stress. Acupuncture has really been a great benefit!" -- BD